News Of Note
Happy Intersex Solidarity Day to all intersex people & allies!
Although we’ve seen many instances of intersex people being harmed because we’re different, we’ve also seen so many instances of wonderfully supportive friends, family members, health care workers, co-workers, colleagues,…
Read MoreTrans-intersex coalition: 1996 – now
Note: Some of the dates in the original posting have been corrected. Intersex Awareness Day is observed on October 26th in commemoration of the first North American intersex protest, in…
Read MoreNew resource: Tips for Creating an Intersex-Friendly Environment
Intersex Awareness Day is about educating society in order make the world safe for intersex people to live openly, without unwanted intervention, as who we are. In this vein, we…
Read MoreBoston Children’s Hospital pledges to stop intersex infant surgeries!
As reported today in a joint article by USA Today and The 19th, a spokesperson for Boston Children’s Hospital told The 19th that it “will not perform clitoroplasty or vaginoplasty…
Read MoreOur E.D.s intersex memoir makes NY Public Library’s list of Essential Feminist Reads
As the 19th Amendment turns 100, The New York Public Library reflects on the history of suffrage and feminism with the publication of NYPL’s Essential Reads on Feminism, and we…
Read MoreGreat feature piece on Pidgeon Pagonis and Sean Saifa Wall
This fantastic piece in The 19th features in depth, illuminating interviews with Intersex Justice Project founders Pidgeon Pagonis and Sean Saifa Wall. It explores the historic ties between racism and…
Read MoreLurie Children’s Hospital issues apology for medically unnecessary intersex surgeries, promises to temporarily stop performing!
In an outstandingly positive, celebratory moment for the intersex community, Lurie Childrens’ Hospital in Chicago just became the first institution of its kind to apologize for performing medically unnecessary surgeries…
Read MoreIndya Moore Calls Out Lurie Children’s Hospital for Performing Surgeries on Intersex Babies!
As reported in PinkNews, Indya Moore, Angelica Ross and Gabrielle Union have lent their voices to a petition calling for an end to intersex surgeries at a Chicago children’s hospital.…
Read MoreAlbania bans intersex infant surgeries!!!
Albania has made a historic decision to stop medical interventions at birth in the cases of intersex children! It joins Malta, Uruguay, and the Indian state of Tamil Nadu in…
Read MoreHans Lindahl slams “Middlesex” (VIDEO)
Hans Lindahl, Communications Director for InterACT: Advocates of Intersex Youth, breaks down why the 2002 novel Middlesex–which features an intersex protagonist–is so problematic in the insightful and educational video “Why…
Read MoreTenth Circuit Orders State Dept to Reconsider Denying Dana Zzyym an Accurate Passport
From Associate Director Zzyym’s team at Lambda Legal. ==================================================== LAMBDA LEGAL PRESS RELEASE, Tuesday, May 12, 2020 Contact Tom Warnke: C: 213-841-4503; ==================================================== Tenth Circuit Orders State Department to…
Read More“Intersex” at Malaga Spanish Film Festival
Despite these trying times, we are happy to report another example of intersex visibility in the popular culture. From VARIETY magazine: MADRID — Cecilia Roth starrer “Alice,” Ana Piterbarg’s “La…
Read MoreDana Zzyym in Washington Post’s X Passport Bill Coverage
We live in a society so committed to enforcing an exclusively binary sex/gender system that it subjects healthy babies to irreversible, high risk, medically unnecessary gonadal and/or genital surgeries in…
Read MoreAn Intersex Affirming Biology Textbook is Finally Available!
For centuries and to this day, intersex people and sex characteristics have been portrayed and described negatively within Western medical and scientific discourse, with words such as, “deficient,” “defective” “deformed,”…
Read MoreRep. Khanna introduces legislation to add third gender option for US passports!
We are deeply grateful to California Representative Ro Khanna for introducing legislation today, which we are proud to have worked with his office on, that would allow non-binary U.S. citizens…
Read MoreSite Update Alert
Hi everyone! Some of you have asked about the history of the intersex movement, and we are happy to report that we were recently able to update IC4E’s site to…
Read MoreLambda Legal Urges Tenth Circuit to Uphold Ruling in Favor of Intersex Vet Seeking Accurate Passport
By Lambda Legal JANUARY 22, 2020 Lambda Legal today appeared before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit to urge the court to uphold a district court ruling…
Read MoreDid politics & money meddle with the passage of SB 201? (Photo)
The Los Angeles Blade’s excellent coverage yesterday on the lack of passage of SB 201, which would have banned medically unnecessary surgeries on intersex infants and young minors, featured an…
Read MoreCA Fails to Pass Bill Banning Medically Unnecessary Surgeries on Intersex Infants
We regret to share that today, California Senate Bill 201 (SB201), would have banned medically unnecessary surgeries on intersex infants and minors until the age of six, failed to garner…
Read MoreAustria Issues its first X passport & third sex birth certificate!
We are thrilled to report that our colleague Alex Jurgen, founder of OII Austria, has attained the country’s first third sex identity documents. “(For) the first time in my life,…
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