Hans Lindahl slams “Middlesex” (VIDEO)
Hans Lindahl, Communications Director for InterACT: Advocates of Intersex Youth, breaks down why the 2002 novel Middlesex–which features an intersex protagonist–is so problematic in the insightful and educational video “Why Middlesex Sucks and What to Read Instead”. Bonus: it’s hilarious, a great way to learn more about the intersex experience and why intersex people oppose…
Read MoreBeautiful Caster Semenya Video From Discovery S.A.!
Words cannot express how much we love this video. Big thanks to Discovery South Africa for creating! A note on language, since we have been asked. It is a well established fact that—unlike medical conditions such as Marfan’s Syndrome which are known to provide an athletic advantage, as in the case of Michael Phelps–there is…
Read MoreIncredible TED X by Intersex Youth Ori & Their Mom!
As an unfunded intersex advocacy organization operating entirely on donations and volunteer assistance, without unpaid staff, we are not always able to update our site as frequently as we’d like. This is the only reason that we have not shared this incredible TED X talk before today! “Intersex is Awesome” is a TED X by…
Read MorePonyboi’s River Gallo in The Advocate [VIDEO]
Great interview in The Advocate with River Gallo, writer, director and star of Ponyboi, the first narrative film about an intersex character, created by and starring an intersex person, and his collaborator, co-director and producer Sadé Clacken Joseph. The film is a twenty minute short which the filmmakers plan to develop it into a feature.…
Read MoreDana Zzyym Continues Fight for Intersex Federal Recognition!
From our Executive Director, Hida Viloria Yesterday, our associate director Dana Zzyym returned to federal district court in Denver, Colorado, to fight for the right to have their sex/gender (the two are conflated in law) accurately recognized as neither male nor female, but intersex and non-binary. As Dana and their legal representative Paul Castillo, from…
Read MoreCelebrating Black History Month: Nthabiseng Mokoena
Nthabiseng Mokoena is a prominent South African intersex activist whose strength and courage as one of the very first (if not the very first) black South Africans to advocate publicly for intersex rights we celebrate today. Mokoena was born wth ambiguous genitalia in rural South Africa, where many people believe that children born intersex are…
Read MoreCelebrating Black History Month: Sean Saifa Wall
In honor of Black History Month, we celebrate African-American artist and activist Sean Saifa Wall, whose groundbreaking work we have featured here in the past. Wall is a well-published speaker, researcher, and long-time intersex human rights activist whose intersectional perspective and voice as a queer intersex person of color is much needed and appreciated! In…
Read MoreHow You can Help End Intersex Genital Mutilation Right Now (VIDEO)
We’re thrilled to see the intersex movement growing, but many folks still don’t understand why the human rights abuse of Intersex Genital Mutilation, or IGM (a.k.a. medically unnecessary nonconsensual surgeries on intersex infants and minors) persists, or what they can do to help end it. This video video — a recording of our E.D. Hida…
Read MoreHuman Rights Watch calls on US to end Intersex Genital Mutilation (VIDEO)
The report, “I Want to Be Like Nature Made Me: Medically Unnecessary Surgeries on Intersex Children in the US,” was released earier this week, on July 25th. In yesterday’s article, “Rights group calls on US to end surgeries on intersex children,” The Jurist covers the 160-page report, produced by Human Rights Watch and…
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