How You can Help End Intersex Genital Mutilation Right Now (VIDEO)

We’re thrilled to see the intersex movement growing, but many folks still don’t understand why the human rights abuse of Intersex Genital Mutilation, or IGM (a.k.a. medically unnecessary nonconsensual surgeries on intersex infants and minors) persists, or what they can do to help end it. This video video — a recording of our E.D. Hida Viloria’s presentation in August, 2014 at the Genital Autonomy Conference in Boulder, CO — does an excellent, engaging job at educating folks on precisely these issues. You can help end IGM right now without spending a penny. Please watch and share, and thank you in advance for being beautiful, loving allies and human beings!

Special thanks to photographer and videographer James Loewen for making this video
and sharing it on Intersex Awareness Day last Thursday, October 26th, 2017.
#IAD2017 #StopIGM

NOTE: There was a 2012 study performed in the Netherlands and Belgium on intersex adults, including some that have not been subjected to IGM, but the results were inconclusive.