HHS Honors Intersex Awareness Day at the White House!

HAPPY INTERSEX AWARENESS DAY (IAD) 2023 to all intersex people around the world! We are thrilled to report that the White House is once agan acknowledging and addressing the intersex community here and abroad at a special Intersex Awareness Day event hosed by the HHS (Department of Health and Human Services). This follows two years…

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American Bar Assoc Resolution on informed consent for intersex surgeries

As reported in the ABA Journal, the ABA (American Bar Association) House of Delegates approved a resolution on Monday, February 6, asking medical professionals to obtain consent from minors with intersex traits before doing medical or surgical intervention. As outlined on the ABA’s website, Resolution 511: Opposes all federal, state, local, territorial, and tribal legislation,…

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“INTERSEX” is an umbrella term referring to individuals born with sex characteristics that are not typically male or female or are a blend of both. INTERSEX PEOPLE have existed as long as all humans, as intersex status, like typical male and female status, is defined by natural, congenital sex characteristics. There are an estimated 30…

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Happy Intersex Awareness Day 2021!

For those unfamiliar, October 26th is obnserved as Intersex Awareness Day in honor of the first known intersex protest, outside a hospital in Boston, on October 26, 1996 (as pictured below). Today we give thanks to all who have worked before us, and all working today, to ensure that intersex people around the world are…

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Our AD’s Lawsuit in The New York Times

More coverage this week of our Associate Director Dana Zzyym’s lawsuit, today in the New York Times. We thank Lambda Legal, as always,for acting as Dana’s legal representatives in the lawsuit. We also encourage President Biden and the State Department to issue Zzyym’s passport swiftly, and to make an X option available on passports for…

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Happy Intersex Solidarity Day to all intersex people & allies!

Although we’ve seen many instances of intersex people being harmed because we’re different, we’ve also seen so many instances of wonderfully supportive friends, family members, health care workers, co-workers, colleagues, allies and others in our lives. On this Intersex Solidarity Day, also (and originally) observed as the Intersex Day of Remembrance, we send our deepest…

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Incredible TED X by Intersex Youth Ori & Their Mom!

As an unfunded intersex advocacy organization operating entirely on donations and volunteer assistance, without unpaid staff, we are not always able to update our site as frequently as we’d like. This is the only reason that we have not shared this incredible TED X talk before today! “Intersex is Awesome” is a TED X by…

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