Our AD’s Lawsuit in The New York Times
More coverage this week of our Associate Director Dana Zzyym’s lawsuit, today in the New York Times. We thank Lambda Legal, as always,for acting as Dana’s legal representatives in the lawsuit.
We also encourage President Biden and the State Department to issue Zzyym’s passport swiftly, and to make an X option available on passports for intersex people who wish to have our sex recognized and non-binary people who wish to have our gender recognized. Human rights abuses such as forced sex assignment surgeries (FSAS) that intersex infants and children are subjected to right here in the US are based on the discriminatory belief that intersex people should not exist. In order to end this abuse and others we must acknowledge the existence of our intersex citizens, as a nation.
Passports May Soon Include a New Option for Gender Identity. February 24, 2021.