Dana Zzyym’s Op-ed for NBC News
Our Associate Director Dana Zzyym explains what drove them to fight for so long for the first US passport with an X sex/gender marker in a beautiful op-ed for NBC News titled, “America finally issued me an acurate passport. Here’s why it took so long.” “For centuries, society has ignored and even hidden the existence…
Read MoreOur AD’s Lawsuit in The New York Times
More coverage this week of our Associate Director Dana Zzyym’s lawsuit, today in the New York Times. We thank Lambda Legal, as always,for acting as Dana’s legal representatives in the lawsuit. We also encourage President Biden and the State Department to issue Zzyym’s passport swiftly, and to make an X option available on passports for…
Read MoreTenth Circuit Orders State Dept to Reconsider Denying Dana Zzyym an Accurate Passport
From Associate Director Zzyym’s team at Lambda Legal. ==================================================== LAMBDA LEGAL PRESS RELEASE, Tuesday, May 12, 2020 Contact Tom Warnke: C: 213-841-4503; ==================================================== Tenth Circuit Orders State Department to Reconsider Decision to Deny Intersex Vet an Accurate Passport “The Court wants the State Department – for the third time – to reconsider Dana’s passport…
Read MoreDana Zzyym in Washington Post’s X Passport Bill Coverage
We live in a society so committed to enforcing an exclusively binary sex/gender system that it subjects healthy babies to irreversible, high risk, medically unnecessary gonadal and/or genital surgeries in an effort to make future boys/men or girls/women out of all intersex infants. The Intersex Campaign for Equality recognizes federal third gender recognition as a…
Read MoreLambda Legal Continues Fight for Dana Zzyym’s Non-Binary Passport!
==================================================== PRESS RELEASE, Thursday, May 09, 2019 From out colleagues at Lambda Legal ==================================================== Lambda Legal to Tenth Circuit: Affirm Ruling for Nonbinary Intersex Veteran Seeking an Accurate U.S. Passport “It’s absurd that the State Department would rather me just randomly check a box: male or female. It’s not who I am, and it would…
Read MoreCAS rules against Caster Semenya in favor of discrimination: UNACCEPTABLE!
In a startling step backwards for equality in athletics, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) ruled 2-1 against the case brought by Caster Semenya and Athletics South Africa that the IAAF regulations set to take affect this month—which would force her to take unnecessary hormones in order to compete as a woman—are discriminatory. To be…
Read MorePlease support Caster Semenya! It’s critical
For anyone unsure of why this is a significant issue not just for sport, but for our entire community, we note that if the world can allow a strong, successful adult woman to be treated this way, there is little hope for powerless infants and minors. Our founding E.D. Hida Viloria has been lobbying against…
Read MoreOur E.D. fills press with intersex and trans affirming views
We couldn’t be prouder of our E.D,. for filling the mainstream press with intersex affirming viewpoints in multiple articles s/he was interviewed for about the news that General Casimir Pulaski was probably intersex. S/he also shared how this news is trans affirming, particularly in light of the current trans military ban, as like the Intersex…
Read MoreThe Father of the American Cavalry appears to have been Intersex!!!
Tonight, the Smithsonian Channel’s America’s Hidden Stories will air the documentary “The General Was Female?”, which explores years of research which determine that General Casimir Pulaski, often revered as the Father of the American Cavalry, was an intersex person with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH). This is incredible news for our community, which has lacked historical…
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