Webinar on Non-binary Passport Lawsuit with Plaintiff Dana Zzyym
Hi Everyone!
I’m having a webinar about my activism and my non-binary passport lawsuit, and I would like to invite you to join me. It’s interactive. For more information go to http://conta.cc/2hjBKf5 There is a small fee, a portion of it goes to support my work on these issues at the Intersex Campaign for Equality.
Webinar: Perfect Until Cut: The Life an Intersex Activist
Date: Nov 17
Time: 2 PM MST

Dana Zzyym, of Fort Collins, Colo., right, talks about the arguments in a hearing on Zzyym’s lawsuit requiring people to pick a gender to get a passport outside the U.S. Federal Courthouse early Wednesday, July 20, 2016 in Denver. Zzyym, who was born with ambiguous sex characteristics, claims that requiring non-binary and intersex non-binary people to falsely designate their sex or gender as male or female to get a passport is discriminatory. Zzyym’s attorney, Paul D. Castillo, from the south-central regional office of Lambda Legal in Dallas, looks on. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski)
Thank you!
In solidarity,
Dana Zzyym
Associate Director, Intersex Campaign for Equality