Posts Tagged ‘third gender recognition’
New Podcast Intersex Gets Legit, with Sara Kelly Keenan!
It’s up! We are so happy to announce our new podcast Intersex Gets Legit, featuring a conversation (39 minutes) between intersex activist and third gender recognition pioneer Sara Kelly Keenan and our founding director Hida Viloria. “At a time when things look dark federally, wonderful flowers are blooming in the progressive states, and the germination…
Read MoreWebinar on Non-binary Passport Lawsuit with Plaintiff Dana Zzyym
Hi Everyone! I’m having a webinar about my activism and my non-binary passport lawsuit, and I would like to invite you to join me. It’s interactive. For more information go to There is a small fee, a portion of it goes to support my work on these issues at the Intersex Campaign for Equality.…
Read MoreNew Zealand adopts gender marker for non-binary gendered people!
On Friday July 17th, New Zealand announced that it has adopted a new gender option — called “Gender Diverse” — in addition to the existing “male” and “female” options, for citizens who have non-binary gender identities. We commend the New Zealand government and celebrate this victory for all non-binary people! Indeed, intersex people are subjected…
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