New Zealand adopts gender marker for non-binary gendered people!

On Friday July 17th, New Zealand  announced that it has adopted a new gender option  — called “Gender Diverse” — in addition to the existing “male” and “female” options, for citizens who have non-binary gender identities. We commend the New Zealand government and celebrate this victory for all non-binary people! Indeed, intersex people are subjected to non-consensual surgeries, a.ka. Intersex Genital Mutilation (IGM), every day throughout the first world — even in progressive cities such as New York and San Francisco — because of the fear that we will grow up to have non-binary gender identities.  Thus, recognizing and accepting non-binary gendered people as equal citizens is a big step towards acceptance of   all intersex people —  whether we grow up to identify as non-binary or not — and we encourage the U.S. to follow New Zealand’s lead! 

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