Posts Tagged ‘intersex activist’
Sean Safia Wall profiled in NBC OUT
Sean Safia Wall is an African-American intersex artist, researcher and activist whose voice and perspective we have been a fan of since 2007, when he appeared, with ICE founder Hida Viloria and others, in the award-winning intersex documentary One in 2000 (available for viewing here). Currently, Wall is the founder of the EMERGE, “the parent project for a…
Read MoreInspirational “Thoughtful Tuesdays” message from Dr. Dani Lee Harris
Dr. Dani Lee Harris is a retired police officer, adjunct professor, author, activist and the first openly intersex Grand Marshall of a Pride Parade, in their hometown of Atlanta Georgia. Dani is also ICE’s Southeastern Regional Representative, we are proud to say, not just because of his tremendous accomplishments and dedication to human rights, but…
Read MoreExcellent Coverage in Buzzfeed of Zzyym’s Groundbreaking Lawsuit
“Foreign nationals who have the X marker on their passports are permitted to enter the U.S. and yet we’re denying the same rights to our own citizens,” said Paul Castillo, the Lambda Legal staff attorney handling OII-USA Associate Director Dana Zzyym’s case. “When you are allowing foreign nationals more rights than you do your own…
Read MoreMDR Sachsen reports on the Transgender und Intersex in Kunst, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft conference in Dresden earlier this month
MDR Sachsen reports on the Transgender und Intersex in Kunst, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft – Transgender and Intersex in the Arts, Science and Society – conference in Dresden earlier this month. Two European OII members who are artists and human rights activists presented at the conference – Del LaGrace Volcano and Ins A. Kromminga. Eine internationale…
Read MoreIntersex artist, activist and new parent Del LaGrace Volcano is interviewed in Sweden on that and more
US-born and now Sweden and London resident intersex activist artist Del LaGrace Volcano is interviewed in Swedens’ NA. I 37 år levde Del som kvinna. Först som barn och tonåring med namnet Debra, sedan som vuxen konstnär med namnet Della Grace. I böcker och utställningar skildrar hon människor som tvingats till utanförskap, för könets skull.…
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