OPEN CALL: let the US gov’t know your needs as an intersex person
The U.S. National Intstitute of Health (NIH) has put out “Request for Information (RFI): Inviting Comments and Suggestions on the Health and Health Research Needs, Specific Health Issues and Concerns for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex (LGBTI) Populations.”
This is a chance to have your voice heard, and all responses will be anonymous. Please write professionally & respectfully but as truthfully and passionately as you want about your experience and what you see as the needs of the intersex community.
Submission directions can be found here: NIH LGBTI SUBMISSION FORM
DEADLINE is October 28, 2013.
Born 1949. When i was 15 my mom told me i was born intersex. Had surgery at birth, Dad wanted me as a boy. Loner all my life. Never fit in. Doctors in 1986 say my right kidney no work since birth. Doctors in 2009 say birth surgery reason right kidney no work. Yesterday, Duluth Doctor say i had surgery as baby, but unknown reason. Live as female on estragen since 1987. Constant uti, bladder and kidney. Minnesota welfare i do not qualify for sex to full female surgery.