Indya Moore Calls Out Lurie Children’s Hospital for Performing Surgeries on Intersex Babies!
As reported in PinkNews, Indya Moore, Angelica Ross and Gabrielle Union have lent their voices to a petition calling for an end to intersex surgeries at a Chicago children’s hospital. The petition, which calls for Lurie Childen’s Hospital to stop performing medically unnecessary surgeries on intersex infants and minors, was started by our colleagues at…
Read MoreAlbania bans intersex infant surgeries!!!
Albania has made a historic decision to stop medical interventions at birth in the cases of intersex children! It joins Malta, Uruguay, and the Indian state of Tamil Nadu in doing so. As reported today in exit news, on June 24th, The Ministry of Health has approved a protocol for the Evaluation of Children with…
Read MoreAn Intersex Affirming Biology Textbook is Finally Available!
For centuries and to this day, intersex people and sex characteristics have been portrayed and described negatively within Western medical and scientific discourse, with words such as, “deficient,” “defective” “deformed,” “abnormal,” or “disorder.” As just one of thousands of examples, just last year, a piece in the LA Times, while generally supportive of intersex people,…
Read MoreCA Fails to Pass Bill Banning Medically Unnecessary Surgeries on Intersex Infants
We regret to share that today, California Senate Bill 201 (SB201), would have banned medically unnecessary surgeries on intersex infants and minors until the age of six, failed to garner enough votes to pass. As reported in the Associated Press, “…a majority of state lawmakers on a key legislative committee thought the bill’s definition of…
Read MoreBeautiful Caster Semenya Video From Discovery S.A.!
Words cannot express how much we love this video. Big thanks to Discovery South Africa for creating! A note on language, since we have been asked. It is a well established fact that—unlike medical conditions such as Marfan’s Syndrome which are known to provide an athletic advantage, as in the case of Michael Phelps–there is…
Read MoreWorld Medical Assn Warns Doctors To Do No Harm to Women Athletes w High T
We thank the World Medical Association (WMA) profusely for honoring ethics to 1st do no harm–even in regards to people with variations of sex characteristics, whom have sadly and egregiously often been left out of this code of ethics. (We note that we do not refer to these athletes as intersex because they identify as…
Read MoreOur E.D. Viloria for Wash Post on the unscientific and unethical CAS Ruling
Our E.D. Hida Viloria has been advocating for Caster Semenya and women athletes with VSC (variations in sex characteristics, aka intersex) in television and print since 2009–when discrimination against Semenya by women athletes who lost to her and sporting bodies began. S/he continues to do so in he/r latest essay, “Stop trying to make Caster…
Read MoreCAS rules against Caster Semenya in favor of discrimination: UNACCEPTABLE!
In a startling step backwards for equality in athletics, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) ruled 2-1 against the case brought by Caster Semenya and Athletics South Africa that the IAAF regulations set to take affect this month—which would force her to take unnecessary hormones in order to compete as a woman—are discriminatory. To be…
Read MoreGopi Shankar Attains Ban on Noncons. Intersex Infant Surgeries in India! (Tamil Nadu)
We are thrilled to report that the state of Tamil Nadu, India, passed a ban on nonconsensual surgeries on intersex infants and minors early this past week! As reported in the media, on Monday, April 22, the Madras High Court directed the Tamil Nadu government to ban sex reassignment surgeries on intersex infants and children.…
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