Posts by admin author
“INTERSEX” is an umbrella term referring to individuals born with sex characteristics that are not typically male or female or are a blend of both. INTERSEX PEOPLE have existed as long as all humans, as intersex status, like typical male and female status, is defined by natural, congenital sex characteristics. There are an estimated 30…
Read MoreX Passports Avail April 11 – Tx to our AD’s Lawsuit!
The US State Department announced today that X Marker Passports will be available to all US citizens starting on April 11th–a historic development made possible by our Associage Director Dana Zzyym’s lawsuit against them for such a passport! As stated in their press release, “The Department is setting a precedent as the first federal government…
Read MoreIntersex Memoir one of Harper’s 10 to be Inspired By
Our ED Hida Viloria’s acclaimed memoir BORN BOTH: AN INTERSEX LIFE, has been selected, alongside Maya Angelou’s, Michelle Obama’s and Gloria Steinem’s, by UK Harper’s Bazaar as one of “10 memoirs and autobiographies to be inspired by“! IC4E has always believed that in order for intersex people to be treated equally, the mainstream population needs…
Read More9 Binary-Breaking Books by Intersex Authors
We thank writer and community member and Chris M Arlone for compiling this list of “9 Binary-Breaking Books by Intersex Authors.” and we’re proud to say it includes one (Born Both: An Intersex Life, Hachette) from our very own Hida Viloria, IC4E’s founding ED! Please enjoy and share. #intersex #breaktheBinary #intersexauthors #intersexwriters #ownvoices #lgbtqia …
Read MoreHappy Intersex Solidarity Day to allies everywhere!
Today is observed as the Intersex Day of Remembrance in honor of the birthday of Herculine Barbin, a nineteenth centrury French intersex lesbian who tragicaly committed suicde after being found by doctors to be intersex, tried in court for gender fraud, and forced to reassign their sex to male. We honor Barbin and all the…
Read MoreDana Zzyym’s Op-ed for NBC News
Our Associate Director Dana Zzyym explains what drove them to fight for so long for the first US passport with an X sex/gender marker in a beautiful op-ed for NBC News titled, “America finally issued me an acurate passport. Here’s why it took so long.” “For centuries, society has ignored and even hidden the existence…
Read MoreOur A.D. is First Recipient of a US X Passport!
We finally did it! Today, our Associate Director Dana Zzyym became the first recipient of a US passport with an X sex/gender marker. Receiving the passport culminates a six year legal battle which began, fittingly, on Intersex Awareness Day (October 26th) 2015, when Zzyym’s groundbreaking lawsuit for a passport that accurately reflects them as neither…
Read MoreIC4E Meets With the White House Admin!
HAPPY INTERSEX AWARENESS DAY 2021 EVERYONE! Today, while in Colorado with our Associate Director Dana Zzyym in anticipation of their receiving the first US passport with an “X” sex marker to represaent that they are not male or female but intersex, our Executive Director, Hida Viloria, participated virtually, by invitation, in a Round Table meeting…
Read MoreFor Intersex Awareness Day: The History of the X Passport Marker
The History of the X Passport Marker Six years ago today, on Intersex Awareness Day 2015, our Associate Director Dana Zzyym filed their groundbreaking lawsuit for a US passport with an “X” sex /gender marker. In the years since, three courts have ruled that it is unconstitutional for the State Department to deny Zzyym a…
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