Posts Tagged ‘intersex Spain’
Viloria speaks twice in Barcelona!
We are forever grateful to our fantastic allies Professors Joan Pujol Tarrés, PhD, and Marisela Montenegro, PhD, of the Department of Social Psychology (Departament de Psicologia Social) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), and Miguel Misse & Pol Galofre of Barcelona’s Cultura Trans, for sponsoring this fantastic event to bring ICE E.D. Hida Viloria…
Read MoreViloria gives Keynote in Madrid at 10th International Workshop on Science, Technology and Gender
IC4E E.D. Hida Viloria gave a Keynote presentation, in Spanish, on March 23rd at the X Workshop International Ciencia, Tecnologia Y Genero: Visiones Y Versiones de aas Tecnologias Biomedicas (Madrid Conf Poster
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