Posts Tagged ‘intersex non-binary’
Intersex & Nonbinary Q&A with Assoc Dir Dana Zzyym
“I would like to see everybody with full equal rights and freedom–and white privilege gone from the world. I’m not sure if it’s just a utopian vision but I wish for us to move closer to that utopia.” This beautiful, incredibly informative, inclusive interview with INTO magazine makes us proud to call Dana Zzyym our…
Read MoreE.D. Hida Viloria on UN Radio’s Gender Focus
Our ED speaks about growing up as an intact intersex person, identifying as gender fluid, and how s/he thinks parents of intersex babies should treat them in this short interview segment UN Radio’s UN Gender Focus. Hida’s segment starts 3:16 minutes in, after an educational intro. by Charles Radcliffe, head of the UN Free &…
Read MoreDana Zzyym’s Intersex Lawsuit in the NY Times!
Our own Dana Zzyym’s groundbreaking lawsuit for legal gender recognition as an intersex person on their passport made the New York Times today, in an article titled, Intersex person Dana Zzyym denied passport, sues U.S. government. Please read and share widely. :) We thank and commend Dana and their legal representatives at Lambda Legal for…
Read MoreLambda Legal Says: State Dept Got it Wrong, Intersex Citizen Dana Zzyym Deserves a Non-Binary Passport!
*** For Immediate Release, from Lambda Legal *** State Sept Got It Wrong in Denying Passport to Intersex Citizen, Lambda Legal Tells Court “Dana was denied a passport, an essential identity document, and in effect is under nationwide house arrest just for being honest…. This country is better than that.” (Denver, CO, July 20, 2016) – Lambda Legal…
Read MoreHow Intersex People Identify
By Hida Viloria and Dana Zzyym. Much has been said recently, on the heels of all the media attention on Caitlin Jenner and Rachel Dolezal, about the issue of how people “identify”. Meanwhile, Intersex people have also been getting attention in the media, and an increasing amount of folks are finally aware of the fact…
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