Posts Tagged ‘Caster Semenya’
Beautiful Caster Semenya Video From Discovery S.A.!
Words cannot express how much we love this video. Big thanks to Discovery South Africa for creating! A note on language, since we have been asked. It is a well established fact that—unlike medical conditions such as Marfan’s Syndrome which are known to provide an athletic advantage, as in the case of Michael Phelps–there is…
Read MoreOlympian Casey Legler Calls Out Racism, Misogyny & Homophobia in Caster Ruling!
So many have spoken and written about this issue, but the voices that have been sorely needed are those of fellow female athletes saying that it is fine for Caster to compete as she is b/c sports are all about having different advantages, & calling out the IAAF, IOC & CAS (Court of Sport) on…
Read MoreIAAF targeting of Caster Semenya covered in The Guardian
We have always been fans of and supported Sougth African track star Caster Semenya, and thank The Guardian for this piece, “Caster Semenya the obvious target in IAAF changes that only create a legal minefield.”
Read MoreReexamining Rationales of “Fairness”: An Athlete and Insider’s Perspective on the New Policies on Hyperandrogenism in Elite Female Athletes
OII global chair, Hida Viloria, and former Olympic athlete Maria Jose Martínez-Patino write in The American Journal of Bioethics on proposed policies by the International Amateur Athletics Federation (IAAF) and the IOC relating to hyperandrogenism in women athletes (but notably not male athletes). Read full article Reexamining Rationales of Fairness An Athlete and Insider s…
Read MoreOII’s Petition to the IOC: Depathologization & Fair Policies for Intersex Athletes
OII’s Human Rights Spokesperson, writer and activist Hida Viloria, has authored a petition to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on behalf of the Organization intersex international (OII). The petition was inspired by the negligent, discriminatory treatment of South African track star Caster Semenya, who, on August 19th, 2009, had her gold medal and her…
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