Great comment by GATE on Malta’s GIGESC Act
“The Maltese GIGESC Act not only defends children’s rights in Malta, including those of bodily integrity, self-determination and health. It also makes a fundamental contribution to intersex people’s human rights by recognizing in law the pervasive role that “social factors” play in justifying medically unnecessary procedures aimed to “normalize” intersex bodies. The Maltese Act explicitly exposes the vulnerability of intersex infants, children and adolescents in medical settings, while affirming, at the same time, that this can be successfully addressed as a matter of law. We hope this clear and strong message to be heard and followed not only by other governments around the globe, but also by the World Health Organization.”
— Mauro Cabral and Justus Eisfeld
Co-founders, Global Network for Trans Equality (GATE)
Read full comment here.