Reexamining Rationales of “Fairness”: An Athlete and Insider’s Perspective on the New Policies on Hyperandrogenism in Elite Female Athletes
OII global chair, Hida Viloria, and former Olympic athlete Maria Jose Martínez-Patino write in The American Journal of Bioethics on proposed policies by the International Amateur Athletics Federation (IAAF) and the IOC relating to hyperandrogenism in women athletes (but notably not male athletes). Read full article Reexamining Rationales of Fairness An Athlete and Insider s…
Read MoreMaking the invisible visible – intersex rights are human rights and intersex people must no longer be ignored
OII Australia president Gina Wilson has written a guest blog item for the Human Rights Law Centre’s Equality Law Reform Project. The article is titled
Read MorePlease stop using the language of disease to describe intersex if you wonder why medicine wants to “cure” intersex
OVER at the Open Society Foundation, Lydia Gutermnan asks the question “Why Are Doctors Still Performing Genital Surgery on Infants?” The answer is simple – so long as journalists, doctors, commentators, bioethicists, parents, erstwhile allies and intersex people ourselves continue to pretend that intersex is a “condition” or a DSD then doctors will continue to…
Read MoreOur E.D. on Lobbying the IOC on Behalf of Intersex Women Athletes
In October, 2010, our E.D. Hida Viloria participated, by invitation, in the International Olympic Committee (IOC)’s meeting, “Athletes with Disorders of Sex Development and their participation in competitive sport,” held in Lausanne, Switzerland (see below). The meeting was the second gathering of experts convened in the wake of Caster Semenya’s gender verification testing…
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