Amazing Intersex Protest at Chicago Lurie Children’s Hospital

Yesterday, our colleagues Pidgeon Pagonis and Sean Safia Wall, at the Intersex Justice Project, pulled off their second protest for intersex bodily autonnomy at Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago. With assistance this year from Maximo Cortez and Koomah from the Houston Intersex Society, and numerous ally groups joining in support, the protest was easily the largest intersex protest in U.S. History.

The protest was timed the day before the annual AIS-DSD Intersex Support Group Conference in Chicago, allowing many intersex participants in town for the conference to attend. Our Associate Director Dana Zzyym, whom presented at the conference, was scheduled to attend and participate in the protest, but unfortunately car trouble en route prevented it.

We commend all the organizers and participants for sending a strong message to Lurie’s, and the medical community at large, that intersex people demand the right to make decisions over our own sex traits, and that doing it for us is a human rights violation!