Posts Tagged ‘genital mutilation’
U.S. finally begins to acknowledge “Intersex Genital Mutilation”!
We are very pleased and excited to see this recent piece titled, “Infant Intersex Surgery: Genital Mutilation in the U.S.?“, in Law Street Media! OII-USA, along with other advocates, has always considered medically unnecessary, non-consensual, “normalizing” genital surgeries and medical treatments of intersex people to be a human rights violation akin to Female Genital Mutilation…
Read MorePetition on ending intersex female genital cutting in the US
We invite readers to sign this petition by Advocates for an Informed Choice in the US: Dear Secretary Clinton & Ambassador Verveer, February 6, 2013 marks the tenth annual International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C). Cosmetic genital surgery is a practice of cutting girls so that they can fit cultural norms,…
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