Posts Tagged ‘CAS ruling’
Olympian Casey Legler Calls Out Racism, Misogyny & Homophobia in Caster Ruling!
So many have spoken and written about this issue, but the voices that have been sorely needed are those of fellow female athletes saying that it is fine for Caster to compete as she is b/c sports are all about having different advantages, & calling out the IAAF, IOC & CAS (Court of Sport) on…
Read MoreOur E.D. Viloria for Wash Post on the unscientific and unethical CAS Ruling
Our E.D. Hida Viloria has been advocating for Caster Semenya and women athletes with VSC (variations in sex characteristics, aka intersex) in television and print since 2009–when discrimination against Semenya by women athletes who lost to her and sporting bodies began. S/he continues to do so in he/r latest essay, “Stop trying to make Caster…
Read MoreCAS rules against Caster Semenya in favor of discrimination: UNACCEPTABLE!
In a startling step backwards for equality in athletics, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) ruled 2-1 against the case brought by Caster Semenya and Athletics South Africa that the IAAF regulations set to take affect this month—which would force her to take unnecessary hormones in order to compete as a woman—are discriminatory. To be…
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