Please sign petition to treat intersex athletes fairly!
Intersex women with high levels of testosterone are being singled out by case-by-case-upon-suspicion sports policies that ban them from competing as women unless they undergo medically unnecessary normalizing procedures, although but the policymakers’ own admission, “…there is no clear scientific evidence proving that a high level of T is a significant determinant of performance in female sport.”
Please help stop this discriminatory practice right now by signing the petition started by Stanford researcher, bioethicist, and intersex ally Katrina Karkazis — author of the fantastic intersex resource Fixing Sex — along with Payoshni Mitra,and Bruce Kidd. Dr. Mitra is advising Dutee Chand on behalf of Sports Authority of India.
For references and other documentation, see the website
This petition, the website, and the Facebook page were created with the permission of Dutee Chand and the support of Sports Authority of India.