Easy Ways to Spread Love & Visibility This Intersex Awareness Day
The intersex community sure has a lot to celebrate as we’ve seen some have tremendous progress this past year, but we still have a long way to go in terms of being considered and treated as equal citizens. Indeed, until parents are just as happy to announce “It’s a Herm!” as they are to announce “It’s a Boy!” or “It’s a Girl!” our work will not be done. But just in case you’re brilliantly, beautifully ahead of the curve and want to proudly announce your intersex baby’s birth, or help your friends or family do so, here you go….
If you want a brief respected resource for sharing general information about intersex people, we highly recommend the UN’s Intersex Fact Sheet, which we are proud to say we worked on.
If you want a video that sends a powerful, beautiful message about accepting intersex people–particularly to parents and families of intersex children–we highly recommend the the UN Free & Equal Campaign’s Intersex Awareness video, a beautiful short video for people of all cultures (it is language free).
If you know someone who has just had an intersex baby and needs non-stigmatizing information about intersex people and the potential risks of cosmetic surgery and other medically unnecessary procedures, we recommend Your Beautiful Child: Information for Parents, available as a one page PDF or downloadable trifold pamphlet.
If you’re looking for an article that helps people learn how to support the intersex community, we recommend the excellent article, “7 Things You Should Know To Be A Good Ally To An Intersex Person.”
And if you just want some awesome pix to share to spread awareness, here’s a few below to get you started, and you can also click on “Did you know” on our home page to get to more created for IAD 2016. There are also tons of articles and videos on this website which we invite you to check out and share, if you’re wanting for more in depth information. Big thanks in advance for helping make the world a safer place for intersex people, particularly vulnerable babies and children! (P.S. Unforseen delays, catch Podcast in November, date T.B.A.!)